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Age hierarchy

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Age is a MAST hierarchy which specifies the age of each individual involved in a crash. It is designed to facilitate meaningful analysis of the demographics of drivers and casualties.

The Age hierarchy is used by two MAST dimensions: Driver Age and Casualty Age. They are based on information recorded in STATS19 returns, which contains the age in complete years of each person at the date when the crash occurred.

Age in STATS19

Since STATS19 permits this field to contain an estimated age, this information may not always be exactly accurate.

  • An value of ninety-nine reported in STATS19 indicates that age data for an individual is missing or unknown, and is not used for persons aged 99 years
    • An age of ninety-eight years reported in STATS19 refers to any person aged 98 years or older at the time of the crash
  • An value of zero reported in STATS19 refers to a person aged less than 12 months old, and is not used for unknown ages
    • Children unborn at the time of a crash are not included


NOTE: Except as noted below, all levels in the Age hierarchy are further subdivided into ten, five and one year categories. This means that MAST makes it possible to analyse any user-defined age range, simply by defining a detailed filter.

The levels of the Age hierarchy are defined as follows:

Child refers to any person aged under 16.

  • Child_Preschool refers to any child aged 4 years or under
  • Child_School refers to any child aged between 5 and 15 years (inclusive)
    • The upper age band within this level covers a six year age range, including children aged between 10 and 15 years (inclusive)

Adult refers to any person aged 16 or over.

  • Adult_Young refers to any adult aged between 16 and 24 years (inclusive)
    • The lower age band within this level covers a four year age range, including young adults aged between 16 and 19 years (inclusive)
  • Adult_Mid refers to any adult aged between 25 and 64 years (inclusive)
  • Adult_Senior refers to any adult aged 65 years or over
    • The upper age band within this level includes all persons aged 85 years or over
      • The upper age band at the level below this includes all persons aged 90 years or over
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