Intro: MAST Reports
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MAST Online reports have been designed to provide quick and easy access to important numerical information for road safety professionals.
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How do users view reports?
The MAST Select Report page, which is the first page users see after login, list all the reports available to them.
The Edit Report page displays the current active report, and allows the user to edit, save, print and download report results.
How are reports created and saved?
To create new reports, users click the thumbnail for a blank report on the Select Report page, then use the Save Report link on the Edit Report page to save it under a name of the user's choice.
To use a public report as a template, users click its thumbnail on the Select Report page, then use the Save Report As link on the Edit Report page to save it under a name of the user's choice.
What elements make up a report?
Every report has two essential components, which are necessary to return useful results:
- A Measure to indicate what the numbers represent (for example, crashes or casualties)
- A Category to specify how the data is organised (for example, by date or by severity)
There are two ways in which these components can be displayed:
- In a Chart View column chart, categories are on the horizontal axis and a value scale for the measure appears on the vertical axis
- In Grid View, categories appear as row titles and exact values of the measure appear in the corresponding cells
Each MAST blank report has a default measure and category, which can easily be changed if different information is required.
Optional report elements
Other elements can be added to reports, including:
- A Series, to group data in different ways in the same report (for example, by both date and severity)
- A Filter, to stipulate what should and should not be included (for example, to restrict a report so it only includes crashes occurring in a certain area)
There are two ways in which series can be displayed:
- In a Chart View column chart, series appear as different colours in the legend
- In Grid View, series appear as column titles
Filters are not themselves visible in the report, but they do effect measure values. For example a filter might exclude all crashes which occurred outside a particular geographical area chosen be the user.
By default, blank reports do not have any series or filters, but these can readily be added if necessary.
Indexed Reports
Indexed reports allow extra index information to be added to a chart.