Vehicle Attributed Contributory Factor Dimensions
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Vehicle Attributed Contributory Factor Dimensions
The following table shows the contributory factor dimensions available in the Vehicles cube in MAST Professional. Links to the definitions are provided.
Vehicle attributed Contributory Factors indicate whether a particular CF was attributed to that vehicle.
CF STATS20 ID | STATS20 Name | Dimension Names |
101 | Poor or Defective Road Surface | Vehicle Attributed CF 101 RoadSurfacePoor |
102 | Deposit on road (eg. oil, mud, chippings) | Vehicle Attributed CF 102 RoadSurfaceDeposit |
103 | 103 Slippery road (due to weather) | Vehicle Attributed CF 103 RoadSurfaceSlippery |
104 | Inadequate or masked signs or road markings | Vehicle Attributed CF 104 RoadFurnitureMasked |
105 | Defective traffic signals | Vehicle Attributed CF 105 RoadFurnitureDefect |
106 | Traffic calming (eg. speed cushions, road humps, chicanes)) | Vehicle Attributed CF 106 RoadFurnitureCalming |
107 | Temporary road layout (eg. contraflow | Vehicle Attributed CF 107 RoadTempLayout |
108 | Road layout (eg. bend, hill, narrow carriageway | Vehicle Attributed CF 108 RoadLayout |
109 | Animal or object in carriagway | Vehicle Attributed CF 109 RoadTempObstruction |
110 | Slippery inspection cover or road marking | Vehicle Attributed CF 110 RoadMarkingSlippery |
201 | Tyres illegal, defective or under-inflated | Vehicle Attributed CF 201 VehDefectTyres |
202 | Defective lights or indicators | Vehicle Attributed CF 202 VehDefectLights |
203 | Defective brakes | Vehicle Attributed CF 203 VehDefectBrakes |
204 | Defective steering or suspension | Vehicle Attributed CF 204 VehDefectSteer |
205 | Defective or missing mirrors | Vehicle Attributed CF 205 VehDefectMirror |
206 | Overloaded or poorly loaded vehicle or trailer | Vehicle Attributed CF 206 VehOverload |
301 | Disobeyed automatic traffic signal | Vehicle Attributed CF 301 DriverDisobeyATS |
302 | Disobeyed "Give Way" or "Stop" sign or markings | Vehicle Attributed CF 302 DriverDisobeyGWay |
303 | Disobeyed double white lines | Vehicle Attributed CF 303 DriverDisobeyLines |
304 | Disobeyed pedestrian crossing facility | Vehicle Attributed CF 304 DriverDisobeyPedCross |
305 | Illegal turn or direction of travel | Vehicle Attributed CF 305 DriverDisobeyTurn |
306 | Exceeding speed limit | Vehicle Attributed CF 306 DriverSpeedLimit |
307 | Travelling too fast for conditions | Vehicle Attributed CF 307 DriverSpeedConds |
308 | Following too close | Vehicle Attributed CF 308 DriverClose |
309 | Vehicle travelling along pavements | Vehicle Attributed CF 309 DriverPavementVeh |
310 | Cyclist entering road from pavement | Vehicle Attributed CF 310 DriverPavementPC |
401 | Junction overshoot | Vehicle Attributed CF 401 DriverJunctionOshoot |
402 | Junction restart (moving off at junction) | Vehicle Attributed CF 402 DriverJunctionRestart |
403 | Poor turn or manoeuvre | Vehicle Attributed CF 403 DriverManeouvrePoor |
404 | Failed to signal or misleading signal | Vehicle Attributed CF 404 DriverManeouvreSignal |
405 | Failed to look properly | Vehicle Attributed CF 405 DriverObservationLook |
406 | Failed to judge other person's path or speed | Vehicle Attributed CF 406 DriverObservationJudge |
407 | Too close to cyclist, horse rider or pedestrian | Vehicle Attributed CF 407 DriverManeouvrePedPC |
408 | Sudden braking | Vehicle Attributed CF 408 DriverControlBrake |
409 | Swerved | Vehicle Attributed CF 409 DriverControlSwerve |
410 | Loss of control | Vehicle Attributed CF 410 DriverControlLoss |
501 | Impaired by alcohol | Vehicle Attributed CF 501 DriverIntoxDrink |
502 | Impaired by drugs (illicit or medicinal) | Vehicle Attributed CF 502 DriverIntoxDrugs |
503 | Fatigue | Vehicle Attributed CF 503 DriverFatigue |
504 | Uncorrected, defective eyesight | Vehicle Attributed CF 504 DriverUnfitEyes |
505 | Illness or disability, mental or physical | Vehicle Attributed CF 505 DriverUnfitIll |
506 | Not displaying lights at night or in poor visibility | Vehicle Attributed CF 506 DriverNightLights |
507 | Rider wearing dark clothing at night | Vehicle Attributed CF 507 DriverNightPC |
508 | Driver using mobile phone | Vehicle Attributed CF 508 DriverDistractedMobile |
509 | Distraction in vehicle | Vehicle Attributed CF 509 DriverDistractedInVeh |
510 | Distraction outside vehicle | Vehicle Attributed CF 510 DriverDistractedOutVeh |
601 | Aggressive driving | Vehicle Attributed CF 601 DriverUnsafeAggression |
602 | Careless, reckless or in a hurry | Vehicle Attributed CF 602 DriverUnsafeCareless |
603 | Nervous, uncertain or panic | Vehicle Attributed CF 603 DriverUnsurePanic |
604 | Driving too slow for conditions, or slow vehicle (eg. tractor) | Vehicle Attributed CF 604 DriverSlow |
605 | Learner or inexperienced driver/rider | Vehicle Attributed CF 605 DriverUnsureLearner |
606 | Inexperience of driving on the left | Vehicle Attributed CF 606 DriverUnsureForeign |
607 | Unfamiliar with model of vehicle | Vehicle Attributed CF 607 DriverUnsureVehType |
701 | Stationary or parked vehicle(s) | Vehicle Attributed CF 701 DriverObstacleParked |
702 | Vegetation | Vehicle Attributed CF 702 DriverObstacleVeg |
703 | Road layout (eg. bend, winding road, hill crest) | Vehicle Attributed CF 703 DriverEnvironmentRoad |
704 | Buildings, road signs, street furniture | Vehicle Attributed CF 704 DriverEnvironmentOther |
705 | Dazzling headlights | Vehicle Attributed CF 705 DriverHeadlights |
706 | Dazzling sun | Vehicle Attributed CF 706 DriverWeatherSun |
707 | Rain, sleet, snow or fog | Vehicle Attributed CF 707 DriverWeatherRain |
708 | Spray from other vehicles | Vehicle Attributed CF 708 DriverWeatherSpray |
709 | Visor or windscreen dirty, scratched or frosted etc. | Vehicle Attributed CF 709 DriverVehicleWScreen |
710 | Vehicle blind spot | Vehicle Attributed CF 710 DriverVehicleBlind |
805 | Dangerous action in carriageway (eg. playing) | Vehicle Attributed CF 805 PedUnsafeDangerous |
901 | Stolen vehicle | Vehicle Attributed CF 901 VehCrimeStolen |
902 | Vehicle in course of crime | Vehicle Attributed CF 902 VehCrimeInCourse |
903 | Emergency vehicle on a call | Vehicle Attributed CF 903 VehEmergency |
904 | Vehicle door opened or closed negligently | Vehicle Attributed CF 904 VehDoor |
999 | Other - please specify below | Vehicle Attributed CF 999 Other |