Casualty Attributed Contributory Factor Dimensions
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Casualty Attributed Contributory Factor Dimensions
The following tables shows the contributory factor dimensions available in the Casualties cube in MAST Professional. Links to the definitions are provided.
There are two types of contributory factors in Casualties. There are 40 contributory factor dimensions where a CF was attributed to a specific passenger or a pedestrian casualty. There are an additional 11 dimensions which indicate the involvement of selected CFs by any party or parties involved in the crash. These are distinguished by the dimension names, which clearly specify that they are crash related.
Casualty Attributed Contributory Factors
CF STATS20 ID | STATS20 Name | Dimension Names |
101 | Poor or Defective Road Surface | Casualty Attributed CF 101 RoadSurfacePoor |
102 | Deposit on road (eg. oil, mud, chippings) | Casualty Attributed CF 102 RoadSurfaceDeposit |
103 | 103 Slippery road (due to weather) | Casualty Attributed CF 103 RoadSurfaceSlippery |
104 | Inadequate or masked signs or road markings | Casualty Attributed CF 104 RoadFurnitureMasked |
105 | Defective traffic signals | Casualty Attributed CF 105 RoadFurnitureDefect |
106 | Traffic calming (eg. speed cushions, road humps, chicanes)) | Casualty Attributed CF 106 RoadFurnitureCalmingg |
107 | Temporary road layout (eg. contraflow | Casualty Attributed CF 107 RoadTempLayout |
108 | Road layout (eg. bend, hill, narrow carriageway | Casualty Attributed CF 108 RoadLayout |
109 | Animal or object in carriagway | Casualty Attributed CF 109 RoadTempObstruction |
110 | Slippery inspection cover or road marking | Casualty Attributed CF 110 RoadMarkingSlippery |
501 | Impaired by alcohol | Casualty Attributed CF 501 IntoxDrink |
502 | Impaired by drugs (illicit or medicinal) | Casualty Attributed CF 502 IntoxDrugs |
503 | Fatigue | Casualty Attributed CF 503 Fatigue |
504 | Uncorrected, defective eyesight | Casualty Attributed CF 504 UnfitEyes |
505 | Illness or disability, mental or physical | Casualty Attributed CF 505 UnfitIll |
701 | Stationary or parked vehicle(s) | Casualty Attributed CF 701 ObstacleParked |
702 | Vegetation | Casualty Attributed CF 702 ObstacleVeg |
703 | Road layout (eg. bend, winding road, hill crest) | Casualty Attributed CF 703 EnvironmentRoad |
704 | Buildings, road signs, street furniture | Casualty Attributed CF 704 EnvironmentOther |
705 | Dazzling headlights | Casualty Attributed CF 705 Headlights |
706 | Dazzling sun | Casualty Attributed CF 706 WeatherSun |
707 | Rain, sleet, snow or fog | Casualty Attributed CF 707 WeatherRain |
708 | Spray from other vehicles | Casualty Attributed CF 708 WeatherSpray |
709 | Visor or windscreen dirty, scratched or frosted etc. | Casualty Attributed CF 709 VehicleWScreen |
710 | Vehicle blind spot | Casualty Attributed CF 710 VehicleBlind |
801 | Crossing road masked by stationary or parked vehicle | Casualty Attributed CF 801 PedObstacle |
802 | Failed to look properly | Casualty Attributed CF 802 PedObservationLook |
803 | Failed to judge vehicle's path or speed | Casualty Attributed CF 803 PedObservationJudge |
804 | Wrong use of pedestrian crossing facility | Casualty Attributed CF 804 PedPavementCrossing |
805 | Dangerous action in carriageway (eg. playing) | Casualty Attributed CF 805 PedUnsafeDangerous |
806 | Impaired by alcohol | Casualty Attributed CF 806 PedIntoxDrink |
807 | Impaired by drugs (illicit or medicinal) | Casualty Attributed CF 807 PedIntoxDrugs |
808 | Careless, reckless or in a hurry | Casualty Attributed CF 808 PedUnsafeCareless |
809 | Pedestrian wearing dark clothing at night | Casualty Attributed CF 809 PedNight |
810 | Disability or illness, mental or physical | Casualty Attributed CF 810 PedUnfit |
901 | Stolen vehicle | Casualty Attributed CF 901 VehCrimeStolen |
902 | Vehicle in course of crime | Casualty Attributed CF 902 VehCrimeInCourse |
903 | Emergency vehicle on a call | Casualty Attributed CF 903 VehEmergency |
904 | Vehicle door opened or closed negligently | Casualty Attributed CF 904 VehDoor |
999 | Other - please specify below | Casualty Attributed CF 999 Other |
Crash Related Contributory Factors in the Casualties cube
These dimensions make it possible to identify all casualties which resulted from a crash in which any involved party had the relevant CF attributed to them. Consequently, results from filtering with this dimension will include individual casualties to whom CFs were not personally attributed.
For instance, filtering for Yes with the dimension Crash Involved Driver CF 501 DriverIntoxDrink returns all casualties in crashes which involved an intoxicated driver in any way in the attending officer's opinion: it does not only return intoxicated driver casualties, nor is it necessarily limited to casualties whose personal injuries were directly attributable to the actions of an intoxicated driver.
CF STATS20 ID | STATS20 Name | Dimension Names |
301 | Disobeyed automatic traffic signal | Crash Involved CF 301 DriverDisobeyATS |
302 | Disobeyed "Give Way" or "Stop" sign or markings | Crash Involved CF 302 DriverDisobeyGway |
306 | Exceeding speed limit | Crash Involved CF 306 DriverSpeedLimit |
307 | Travelling too fast for conditions | Crash Involved CF 307 DriverSpeedConds |
405 | Failed to look properly | Crash Involved CF 405 DriverObservationLook |
406 | Failed to judge other person's path or speed | Crash Involved CF 406 DriverObservationJudge |
601 | Aggressive driving | Crash Involved CF 601 DriverUnsafeAggression |
602 | Careless, reckless or in a hurry | Crash Involved CF 602 DriverUnsafeCareless |
605 | Learner or inexperienced driver/rider | Crash Involved CF 605 DriverUnsureLearner |
501 | Impaired by alcohol | Crash Involved Driver CF 501 DriverIntoxDrink |
503 | Fatigue | Crash Involved Driver CF 503 DriverFatigue |